Dr. Zuhal Butuner Discusses Natural Care for the Eyes

Dr. Zuhal Butuner: Natural Ways to Protect the Eyes

Optometrists and ophthalmologists are eye care specialists. Dr. Zuhal Butuner says they are crucial in detecting eye diseases such as cataracts, retinopathy, and glaucoma.

These eye conditions can be detected with annual dilated eye examinations. Dr. Zuhal Butuner further explains that there are key messages eye care practitioners share with their patients.

First, if the patient has diabetes, they are encouraged to have a comprehensive eye exam at least yearly. This exam includes a dilated retinal exam so the eye doctor can detect signs of diabetic retinopathy. Not all patients with diabetic retinopathy may have obvious visual symptoms, but the level of retinopathy should be documented so the eye doctor can see how fast the condition is progressing. Along with this, patients should always watch for any changes in their vision. Also, people can reduce their chances of visual impairment by controlling their blood sugar level and overall good health. It’s also helpful to share information, such as the one in the CDC fact sheet — Take Charge of Your Diabetes: Healthy Eyes.

Dr. Zuhal Butuner further details natural ways to care for the eyes.

A healthy diet is an excellent way to maintain eye health and get the nutrients the eyes need, which means it helps to know what to put in your body.

There are essential vitamins for the eyes, such as vitamin A, which comes from sweet potatoes, carrots, and cantaloupes. You can get vitamin C from oranges, tomatoes, and peaches. Vitamin E can be found in almonds, avocadoes, and sunflower seeds. Other important nutrients include omega-3 fatty acids, which can be found in tuna and salmon, chia seeds, and halibut. Nutrients such as lutein and zeaxanthin can be found in spinach, kale, spinach, and eggs; zinc in kidneys and lima beans and oysters, Dr. Zuhal Butuner adds.

That said, it’s important to note that zinc can reduce copper levels in the body. Copper is important for your body’s red blood cell production. So talk to your doctor and ask about safe ways to increase your zinc intake without reducing your copper quantities to dangerously low levels.

Dr. Zuhal Butuner explains that the eye is a complex organ with a system of fluids and blood vessels that deliver nutrients and remove waste products to many parts of the eyes, such as the cornea, lens, and retina. A high-functioning delivery system allows nutrients and oxygen to be delivered to your cells. A healthy blood flow means your eye can maintain itself more efficiently.
Image source: daviseyecare.com
Experts suggest getting one’s nutrients from a well-balanced diet full of fish and protein, grains, healthy fats, low sugar, and colorful fruits and vegetables is generally enough to maintain good eye health (outside of genetic factors). As a result, Dr. Zuhal Butuner points out that focusing on your overall diet and exercise is extremely important.

One notable exception, however, is the AREDS2 Vitamin supplement formula. This research-backed formula is designed to help slow the progression of certain types/stages of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). AMD is an eye health condition that can happen as one ages.

It is worth discussing the use of AREDS supplementation with your eye care practitioner before purchasing, explains Dr. Zuhal Butuner. Studies show that the supplement is only effective for reducing the risk of progression to wet AMD from late dry AMD and not for people who have early AMD or have not yet developed the condition.

Along with maintaining a healthy diet, Dr. Zuhal Butuner says that some behaviors may be able to positively affect your eyesight. First, get regular comprehensive eye exams, and research your family’s medical history, so you know and understand your risk factors. Maintaining a healthy weight is also important since it helps to reduce your risk of developing conditions that can affect your eye health, not to mention the rest of your body. Finally, avoid smoking.

You should also wear sunglasses outside to protect your eyes against the sun’s UV rays. Practice good hygiene, such as washing your hands before touching your eyes. Maintain your contact lenses based on the recommendations of experts. Always practice good eye safety, especially in industrial sites and certain sports.

There are more ways to keep your eyes in tip-top shape, says Dr. Zuhal Butuner, and most of these also affect the overall health of your body.

Read more on Dr. Zuhal Butuner‘s insights on the health and wellness of the eyes by clicking on this link.