Dr. Zuhal Butuner Lists Ways to Care for Your Eyes
According to Dr. Zuhal Butuner, many age-related conditions can affect the eyes. Several eye problems can lead to vision loss in older adults. They may have few symptoms or even none at all. Regular eye exams are vital for the protection of the eyes. If your eye care professional identifies a problem early, Dr. Zuhal Butuner says there are steps and treatments to protect your eyes and vision.Age-Related Eye Diseases
Some aging diseases include age-related macular degeneration or AMD, diabetic retinopathy, cataracts, and glaucoma.
AMD can harm the sharp, central vision you need to see objects clearly and do daily things like reading and driving. Your eye care professional will inquire about your family history. They will look for signs of AMD when you have a dilated eye exam. In addition, treatments and dietary supplements may help lower the chance of your AMD worsening.
Signs of diabetic retinopathy, can develop slowly in people with diabetes. Often, there are no early warning signs with your vision. If you have diabetes, Dr. Zuhal Butuner urges you to have a dilated eye exam at least once a year. Also, keeping blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels under control is key in slowing the progress of this disease.
Cataracts refer to the opacification or clouding in the eye’s crystalline lens. It leads to blurred or hazy vision. Some cataracts remain small and don’t change your eyesight much, while others become large and reduce vision. There is surgery specific for cataracts, which can restore good vision. It is a safe treatment for patients and quite common, too.
Glaucoma is typically caused by high fluid pressure inside the eye. This pressure can be easily measured during an eye exam. If not treated, glaucoma can lead to vision loss, including tunnel vision and blindness. In the most common form, people with this disease often have no early symptoms or pain. Glaucoma can be treated with surgery, lasers, or prescription eye drops.

Safety Measures for Eye Health
As Dr. Zuhal Butuner mentioned earlier, it’s highly recommended that all adults have comprehensive eye exams throughout their lifespan. That becomes even more important as people turn 40, as age is a risk factor for many eye disorders. This eye exam at 40 will be a benchmark to track changes as the eye ages. It’s also worth noting that while you can’t control a family history of AMD or glaucoma, there are changes that you can incorporate in the way you live that will reduce your risk of developing eye conditions.
For starters, if you’re a smoker, stop smoking. Smokers, whether current or former, have up to four times the risk of developing AMD compared to those who never smoked. The risk remains relatively high even up to 20 years after quitting. In a study conducted in Australia, Dr. Zuhal Butuner mentions that it was estimated that 20 percent of cases of AMD-related blindness in that country might be related to smoking. Scientists say there are several different reasons for the higher risk in smokers. It includes cellular changes, vascular constriction, and oxidative stress.
But don’t stop there. You should also be conscious of your weight. Being overweight affects more than just your heart, blood pressure, and blood sugar control. Did you know that it can also adversely affect your vision? Studies have found that obesity increases the risk of glaucoma. It likely increases the build-up of fluid inside the eye. Combine this with the effects of high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and insulin resistance, and it’s a recipe for disaster. Obesity also increases the chances of developing AMD, possibly by promoting inflammation and oxidative stress in the eyes. Another important detail is that people with fair skin and blue eyes have a higher risk of cataracts. This is because melanin, the pigment in our skin and eyes, protects against the harmful effects of the sun. According to Dr. Zuhal Butuner, a study conducted in 1998 was among the first to link an increased risk of cataracts to sun exposure. Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light likewise increases the risk of AMD. The increased UV light is postulated to cause changes in the metabolism of the cells both in the retina and lens.
It’s important to wear sunglasses that protect against UV-A and UV-B wavelengths. They should also wrap around your face since up to 20 percent of the sun’s rays can enter through the sides of typical glasses, Dr. Zuhal Butuner explains.
Finally, know that exercise and diet help. It was observed that people who were physically active and had healthy, balanced diets experienced less vision loss over two decades compared to those who didn’t exercise or had poor diets.
For more on Dr. Zuhal Butuner‘s insights on the health and wellness of the eyes, go to this webpage.